Summary: The goal of this exercise is to have each student draw a “selfie” that depicts something they like about themselves, and then have classmates provide positive comments.
Target Grades: 6th grade and above
Minimum Length: Approx. 25 minutes
- Index cards or paper for each student to draw a selfie
- Markers or colored pencils for each student to draw a selfie
- Tape to post selfies on the wall
- Post-it notes or paper for others to comment on the selfies
Connection to bullying: Selfies are an everyday part of kids’ lives, and they provide a form of self-expression. We hear a lot about social media and bullying, but social media can also be a method of positive communication. The goal of this exercise is to have each student draw a “selfie” that depicts something they like about themselves, and then have classmates provide positive comments.
Instructions: Length: 15 minutes
1. Instruct each student to draw a “selfie” that depicts something you like about yourself: a food you like, a place you’ve travelled, a hobby, etc. Below the picture, have the student write a short sentence about why this selfie depicts something about themselves.
2. Have students hang the selfies on the wall. Once they are hung, students read the selfies and provide a positive word or comment that they thought of while reading each selfie.
Discussion: Length: 10 minutes
Ask students to share some of their selfies and why they chose to draw what they did. Then, ask students to comment on some of the positive things they commented on the selfies. Ask questions such as:
- Did you learn anything new about anyone in the class?
- Did you find it difficult to respond in a positive way? Why?
- How can a positive comment help change the impact of bullying?
Activity Feedback:
“We stopped to take time to acknowledge our peers – we don’t take time to do that very often.”