Acting activities are designed to explore different roles and perspectives, and these activities encourage expression and engagement by allowing participants to play out different elements of bullying.
Anti-bullying Pledge
Summary: Groups of participants work together to create a pledge.
Target Grades: 6th grade and above
Minimum time needed: 30 minutes
Materials: Computer with internet access. NOTE: before doing this exercise, make sure your classroom computer has JAVA installed and …
What’s Cool: An Expressive Exercise in Bystander Action
Summary: Groups of participants identify ways that bystanders can help reduce bullying and perform these for other groups.
Target Grades: 6th grade and above
Minimum time needed: Approx 25 minutes
Materials: Art supplies (optional)
Connection to bullying: Kids are often …
Interactive Restorative Justice
Summary: Restorative Justice applies restoration instead of punishment when someone has wronged another. The approach focuses on the victim, family, and school, with the intention of finding a way for the offender to take responsibility and make the situation right. …
Complete the Scene
Summary: Students act out a real-life bullying situation and, as a class, explore alternative ways to handle conflict (based on the Theatre of the Oppressed exercise).
Target grades: 6th and above
Minimum time needed: one class period
Materials needed: none…
Finish the Scene
*To do this exercise, use the scene from Out of Bounds (included).
A different scene may be used, however is important to choose a scene where there is obvious conflict so the student actors are working to solve a problem.…
Summary: Students act out a story about bullying using their bodies instead of words.
Target grades: 4th and above
Minimum time needed: 40 minutes
Connections to Bullying: Understanding how choices affect other people; exploring the role bystanders can play in …
I Am From Poem
Summary: By writing a list poem, students use figurative language to express complex feelings and experiences related to bullying and personal identity. This poem is a great jumping off point for other creative work.
Age Range: This activity can be …