A Wordle is a tool to develop a visual image of words as they reflect the feelings of a group. The words are assigned an order based on how frequently they are mentioned, and then put into an intersecting diagram.
Target grades: 6th and above
Minimum time needed: 30 minutes
Materials: Computer with internet access. NOTE: before doing this exercise, make sure your classroom computer has JAVA installed and allows this program to run.
- Go to the Wordle site: and select “Create your own.”
- Have students provide words they think of as they relate to bullying. You can have students:
- think of feelings that bullying can evoke (e.g. alone, frightened)
- words that support antibullying (e.g. tolerant, helpful)
- a combination of both
As students provide words, type them in the text box. When complete, press “go” and your Wordle will be created. An example bullying Wordle is below.
NOTE: you can also create a Wordle with a string of text from a Twitter feed. For example, you can make a Wordle from the tweets to the hashtag identified in Homeroom Activity 1, above.
- You can print your Wordle and display it in the classroom.